So here are some snippets;
A dissection of the real Climategate over at The Conversation.
A new candidate for Arseholes of Australia. Not political, but he's still a big fucking tool regardless.
Anti-marriage equality spookshow release a survey... which supports marriage equality. Facepalm.
White supremacists infiltrating and taking over a town in Montana, USA.
According to Fox News, pepper spray is now - like pizza - a vegetable.
Russia set to make talking about anything to do with homosexuality or gay rights illegal. This foul bit of fucking dirty fascist legislation has gone through one reading with a second reading due next week. Get involved to stop this loathsome act of totalitarianism here.
Lastly, Australia has been embroiled in the aimless farrago of war in Afghanistan for a good while now. While Australian soldiers fight and die to end the reign of the Taliban, what are we leaving in its place? Well, the answer is evil shit like this. Given that the nation is still not safe, even more so if you have the bad fortune to be born with ovaries or happen to be a Hazara, Australia also recently signed a deal to turn back Afghan asylum seekers. Well yay us. What? We're supposed to be the good guys you say? Well, fuck me.
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