Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The first rule of Facebook activism seems to be 'Don't use Facebook'

The title is a quote from this linked article from Alternet. As someone who follows the RINJ campaign, many of the items in the article are familiar to me. I've mentioned Facebook's massive, black-hearted hypocrisy here before.

Yes Facebook has a claim to using their IP to make a profit. But they have no remit to ignore the law, and especially no remit to ignore advocacy of violence. It's pretty much that simple. The article calls for a Magna Carta of the internet. A tantalising idea to be sure. How cool would it be to establish a best-principle 'law' of the internet, a charter of rights, of freedoms and of protections? Then it wouldn't be a matter of waiting on some mouth-breathing misanthrope like Zuckerberg and his trolls to interpret Terms of Service consistently, you could say 'This is the user's charter. You can have your product, but your terms of service are irrelevant. You follow the charter. You want to work with the internet and its users, then you work with the charter.'

An interesting idea anyway.


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