US police forces are looking increasingly like 2000AD's flagship character, Judge Dredd.
And no, that's not 'cool'.
And no, that's not 'cool'.
I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like the harder you push for social justice issues, the more likely it is every bastard around you decides to jump a lot further towards reactionary madness. It's like two kids are fighting and you intervene and say 'why don't you make up and be friends?' and then one kid just pulls out a bazooka and blows the other kid to fragments and says 'you mean like that?'
Having won a small foot in the door of gay rights, in both Australia and the US, we are suddenly confronted with American pollies smiling while they sign an anti-gay pledge. In Australia, every single religious nutbar has been frothing at the mouth screaming 'Apocalypse!' over gay marriage plans that have not even been introduced as legislation yet and will likely fail.
Uganda's 'Kill the Gays' bill is defeated, Russia then introduces an 'it's illegal to talk about anything to do with homosexuality' bill. That gets defeated, before Nigeria introduces a bill that sits comfortably between Russia's and Uganda's. Poland tries to introduce legislation criminalising homosexuality. In reaction to a greater push for freedom, an increasing number of governments have leapt to the mad conclusion 'Oh, maybe we should just make it illegal for people to be alive.'
Faced with accelerating climate change, we now have a plan by the US among others to sabotage upcoming climate talks, so private industry can make more money that they're not keen on sharing with their serfs. That any government would seriously consider sabotaging the future safety of the entire world for short-term gain by private industry is a serious indicator to me that the world has gone completely insane.
While some nations make stirring speeches about internet freedom, the reality is the opposite. India wants mandatory pre-screening for ideological reasons of all user-generated content. With PIPA and SOPA, the US wants to make it illegal for any ISP anywhere to not be seen to do enough to stop piracy.
While championing the pinnacle of egalitarianism and democracy, the world's biggest democratic nation has been busy rolling out plans to have the military capture and hold indefinitely without trial citizens of their own nation. Meanwhile, military surplus gear has been sold at near to zero cost to police forces, making US law enforcement look increasingly like extras from 2000 AD's 'Judge Dredd' comic strip.
In Australia, Occupy Melbourne encounters an almost Kafka-esque tangle of bureaucracy where words like 'tent' and 'camping' are being re-interpreted every day to mean simply 'that which Robert Doyle does not like'. So OMEL protestors were not allowed to use tents. So they used tarpaulins. Then they were told that a tarpaulin is a tent, which is illegal to have in the park. Public water fountains are turned off to deny the occupiers access to clean fresh water. So, finally some protestors decide to wear their tents to point out just how stupid and bizarre the whole thing is. Without being arrested, one woman is cornered by around 8 police/city council workers who proceed to take a knife and cut the tent costume off her. She is never arrested or I believe even told whether what she is doing is illegal. She is left crying in her underwear on the ground.
Let me sum that up. Without arresting a Melbourne citizen, police and council workers surround a woman and forcibly strip her with a knife because she is wearing a tent, that they have declared to be evidence of camping, which has been declared illegal on purely discretionary grounds.
What. The. Fuck?
Look, I'm sorry world, but you are losing your mind. You are turning yourselves into crazed fascist pricks just to avoid being decent human beings. Are you so afraid of anything even remotely associated with equality and justice that you would willingly turn into such repressive pricks?
Then what in the fuck is wrong with you?
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