Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Outrage Button #12: Big Numbers

This is something you've got to watch out for - the Big Numbers trick. News media like to use it, and I know the Chaser have pointed it out before. Never let anyone tell you Uncle Old Angry Guy isn't keeping an eye out for frauds, liars and conmen for ya.

Here's a fun example.

1x Chupa Chup lollipop @ 40c (maybe, I have no idea, but let's just say 40c). This is not controversial.

1x Chupa Chup lollipop @ 40c multiplied by population of Australia - 22,830,926 = 9,132,370.40
"The government's plan would see the equivalent of over 9 MILLLLLLLIIIIIOOON DOLLLAAARRSS WASTED on the scheme."

Hmm easily manufactured outrage. Right? I mean who gives a shit about forty cents? But 9 million smackers? That's some heavy shit right there.

Which brings me neatly to a current campaign by everyone's favourite hate group - the Australian Family Association, who are in turn a front for the Australian Christian Lobby. They're running a big 'ZOMG! THIS IS EV!!!111LL!!11' campaign at the moment. Apparently - and I seriously do not give the remotest of shits if this is true - $15,000 of taxpayer's money has been lavished on making X-Rated gay porno films in time for the Mardi Gras.

$15,000 of MY money! People scream. On dirty, nasty, FILTHY (actually that looks kinda hot...) UM DISGUSTING GHEY PR0nZ!!! Oh the outrage, it does burn!

You know what happens if you tot up all the tax revenue for Australia, across all levels of govt, divide it between every Australian man, woman and child and then compare that to the Gay Pr0n stash, divided by every Australian man, woman and child?

Because I'm helpful and community minded, I'll tell you. You get an average contribution of $15k per person (bear in mind this is ALL taxes, spread as an even amount across ALL Australian citizens). The amount, however, that each Australian citizen would have to pay on $15k of gay pr0n is... (Nuncio, a drum roll please.)

.0007 cents!

Now if someone came up to you and said, 'Can I have .0007 cents to make gay pr0n?' Well, I don't know about you, but I'd give the guy a buck fifty and say 'Knock yerself out son!'

If you want to jump on and troll the crap out of these guys, be my guest, just bear in mind it's the AFA/ACL, and they delete opposing opinions without hesitation or mercy.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Our-Taxes-Funding-Graphic-Mardi-Gras-Films on Facebook

1 comment:

  1. They might have had a point if they were trying to highlight corruption and/or waste in government (I don't think we should be subsidising pr0n of any kind), but they're not. They're attacking gays, any way they possibly can without appearing to be the bullies they are.
