Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A policy

I've been away from the blog for a long time, and have only come back to it because of a comment out of the blue on an article many months old. After a long and surreal back and forth, I've decided to introduce a comments policy. And here it is...

Let it be known henceforth and forevermore, o my brothers, o my sisters, that whomsoever comments in a fashion described below, he will taste the mighty BanHammer. He (or she) will have their comments deleted and if they get truly annoying will suffer the impenetrable Block of GTFO.

The transgressions are;
• Deliberate misquoting, misreading of comments (not even only my own) for the purpose of continuing a pointless argument.

• Waffling, with malice aforethought, hideously off-topic.

• Just generally giving me the shits

• Incessant and annoying prosleytising (however the hell you spell it, I really don't care).

• And lastly (for now), claiming to be more virtuous BECAUSE of your bigotry.

Hasta la vista cowboys and girls.


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