Friday, November 11, 2011

So what's the big fucking deal Joe?

I've been known to harp on same-sex rights on this blog. Today will be no exception. Today, however, I'm going to talk a little about one shit-fly in the ALP's ointment at the upcoming Nat Conference, and also a nice bite-size factoid on the stance of Australia's organised religions.

The ALP has a lot of back-room spookshows. Grey, ghostly spectres who pull the strings and make sure everyone does what they're told. All of these people are from Labor's right-wing, making them - in my estimation anyway - anti-democratic shit-hats.

One of these is the bigoted old bastard Joe De Bruyn. Joe is one of the vicious bigoted old school power brokers who make the ALP the lame duck it is. Recently he's lifted his amphibious cranium above the water level to have a stab at the Prime Minister - no doubt tugging on the leash and reminding her who is master - over two things. One, that how dare she nominate anyone to ALP National Secretary, that's the job of Joe and his fellow agents of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. and two, that the ALP will be torn apart in fear and armageddon if Gillard acknowledges gay Australians exist and should be treated like human beings. Needless to say he's not a big fan of the trend within the party towards supporting same-sex marriage. You can see his fanaticism here in that specimen of shit-hattery The Australian Pravda.

He's made this claim from his position as head of the SDA (Shop Distributive & Allied Employees' Association) - a fairly powerful union - except apparently his own union think he's a bit of a fuckwit and don't agree with him. Another blogger mentioned it here, and I think that's interesting, as it paints old Joe the Bastard as an even bigger tool.

But while Saint Joe the Vicious puffs up his best Inquisitor of the Almighty Church of Teh Gay Haetz impression, an interesting factoid crossed my field of vision, namely this. In a nutshell, the church's position on gay rights is turning away about a third of those fleeing parishioners.

So, and see if you can wrap your head around this one, a shadowy Catholic homophobic right-wing ALP power broker, that can make great changes on the party but remains unaccountable to the public, who belongs to a faith bleeding members, in part because of that faith's stance on gay issues, is in turn bullying the Prime Minister of this country - who may have once been left wing, but is definitely an unmarried atheist - into NOT accepting the growing majority opinion of not only the nation and their party, but the union this old shit bag is, in fact, head of.


Joe De Bruyn, your Golden Sphincter is in the mail.


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