I have previously written about America sliding closer and closer to becoming a fascist police state. You have no idea how much I wish that was pure hyperbole. Part of the reason I follow a lot of alternative American news, instead of waiting to see what our media says, is that you hear about things that are not - and probably would never be - reported here.
Update: More extensive research has been done into the bill, with more commentary being available. The bill seems to refer to terrorist organisations as its focus, but the ACLU are worried that it is too vague, and could be reappropriated to domestic crackdowns. See here.
So this is an example. A bill cooked up in secret to enable military to detain without trial anyone, anywhere, even on US soil. Why use the police anymore? All those soldiers being recalled from Iraq and Afghanistan have gotta go somewhere right? The US simply doesn't have the cash to pursue war with Iran or North Korea, so who's left? The one big enemy the US has always feared - its own people.
This bill was cooked up by a Democrat and a Republican. What use is party politics anymore? Both major parties have decided that their own people are the enemy. Is there any doubt this is aimed first and foremost at Occupy and its attendant protests and movements?
The bill was co-authored by John McCain. Remember him? That washed-up 'war hero' who campaigned with the belligerently ignorant and vile Sarah Palin? Few people will be aware either that McCain was actively involved in burying the existence of POW's abandoned in Vietnam. Some war hero. What a coward. He leaves soldiers from one war to rot, then has the temerity to expect soldiers from another to return home and incarcerate, maybe fire on, their own people? How dare a psychotic monster like that call himself a war hero and a patriot?
True, there's an amendment being proposed to water down this bill, but does anyone harbour any delusions that's going to do a fucking thing?
America is getting closer to becoming a criminal, rogue fascist police state. It's not a joke, it's not exaggeration, it's not hyperbole. It has to stop, and it has to stop now. The world cannot endure a maverick nation like the United States finally abandoning any pretence to democracy or the rule of law. Do any of you think for the remotest second they'll play nice? Well abandon your delusions right now before it's too late.
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