UPDATE: if you want to drop old Marty a line, have a natter - maybe about the cricket, what's good on telly, and oh yeah WHAT A COMPLETE FASCIST TOOL HE IS, scads of contact info are at the bottom of the article after the jump.
UPDATE 2: A follow up to this piece can be found here.
Image via OMEL, original author unknown - will remove on request.
The following is from OMEL's Facebook page;
Say NO to NOSIC! (Thursday 16:30) [Occupy Melbourne]
When: Thursday, January 12, 2012
Time: 4:30pm until 7:30pm
Where: Martin Ferguson MP's Electoral Office, 159 High Street, Preston
On Saturday it was revealed that the Federal Government has been contracting a private intelligence company to spy on environmental and community groups' communications on the internet.
Unlike ASIO and the AFP, NOSIC (National 'Open-Source' Intelligence Centre) is unaccountable to Parliament, and thus the public. Their actions have seen community groups and environment groups labelled subversive and akin to terrorists; if you've written on the Facebook wall of a community group opposing housing developments or participated in a tree planting day, you're likely to have been monitored and spied on by this company.
We at Occupy Melbourne believe that this is an highly invasive and unacceptable and will be taking action against Martin Ferguson MP, the Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism.
We invite all Occupy Melbourne supporters, all community groups and anyone interested in expressing their anger to meet at City Square at 3:30PM (2:30PM if you're someone who runs late) so that we can make our way via Tram to Martin Ferguson's office in Preston by 4:30.
If you can't, or don't want to meet up there, please be at Martin Ferguson's office by 4:30PM to protest against this intrusion into our civil liberties.
You can also read a discussion about the whole thing over here. UPDATE: A letter in the Age here, with the heavy handed police scrutiny of protest against fracking in the Great Barrier Reef.
Now, let's get down to business, Mr Ferguson.
1) Fuck you, you evil sack of shit.
2) To be more precise, under what possible provocation can you possibly demand completely unaccountable domestic surveillance and espionage on activist groups whose only crime is that, unlike you, they give a shit about something? Defend that. Explain that.
The fact is you can't can you, you great brick of arse?
You do NOT get to call members of the public terrorists simply because they are making your job of carving up bits of the country to sell to private industry harder.
You fascist goon. You spineless jackbooted fool. You sir, are Australia's premier arsehole. A fundament of such abyssal depths it beggars belief.
You have abnegated your responsibility to be a representative of the public. You have instead taken it upon yourself to be a shill for business, and view the Australian public as an enemy. What dirty deals and heinous corruption would we be privy to if we spied on you the way you spy on us?
Martin Ferguson. Go to hell you anti-democratic shit-hat. These antics are the purview of tyrants, dictators and demagogues, not members of Parliament.
A further note on the linked letter in The Age above. Here it is in its entirety in case it shifts/is archived;
IN LATE November I was part of a research/protest group that visited Gladstone, Queensland. We were concerned about the environmental impacts of the extensive growth of coal and coal seam gas mining and specifically the dredging of Gladstone Harbour and its impact on the Great Barrier Reef. When I read your article ''Spies eye green protesters'' (The Saturday Age, 7/1), I experienced a ''wow'' moment of understanding our experiences of police harassment and surveillance.
Our experiences included: continual phone calls requesting our whereabouts and intentions - our phone numbers apparently were found on Facebook; being met by a carload of police as we arrived in Rockhampton to do some media appearances; and being continuously monitored by police cars, special taskforce police and security, including being photographed several times. I am now on their files, even though I've been told it is legal for photos to be taken only if you are arrested.
Who needs to be investigated? Is it me who stood up to environmental abuse? Or is it Martin Ferguson? He uses taxpayers' money to investigate the innocent public while protecting the profits of his rich and environmentally dangerous mates.
Thank you, The Age. I hope you've opened a can of worms.
Laraine Acfield, Tuntable Falls, NSW
So let's get something really straight here. Fracking the Great Barrier Reef directly violates a UNESCO World Heritage listing. Australia is about to be investigated by a UNESCO rep over this specific mining endeavour. More and more, there is a call for a global moratorium on fracking, due to its potential to permanently contaminate potable water supplies and possibly cause/exacerbate tectonic activity. Given the criminal and irresponsible nature of fracking in the Great Barrier Reef, who should be under surveillance?
Hint: NOT the fucking people protesting it!
This is yet another sign that governance has long stopped being about representing its people, and has slowly drifted into a lobbyist shill for business role. Added to that are brazen, unlawful uses of surveillance to stop innocent and peaceful citizens from messing up shady business deals.
In this matter Martin Ferguson, and the government itself if they stand by him, are wading deep into the waters of criminality.
Contacting Herr Ferguson;
Electoral Division of Batman (Vic)
The Hon Martin Ferguson AM, MP Title: Minister for Resources and Energy; Minister for Tourism. Party: Australian Labor Party
Parliament House Contact PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
Tel: (02) 6277 7930
Fax: (02) 6273 0434
Email: Martin.Ferguson.MP@aph.gov.au
Electorate Office Contact Preston Office:
Location/Postal Address: 159 High Street, Preston Vic 3072
Tel: (03) 9416 8690
Fax: (03) 9416 7810
Contacting the ALP
Go to their website here: http://www.alp.org.au/
Personal Website
Can be found here: http://www.martinferguson.com.au/page14949/Home.aspx
Ministerial Website
Can be found here: http://minister.ret.gov.au/Pages/Welcome.aspx
Now of course you have just opened yourself to be spied upon