Recently Martin 'Big Brother' Ferguson responded to the protest that took place at his offices over this egregious and anti-democratic act.
The article starts out like so;
"CLAIMS that state and federal police are monitoring a protest at Martin Ferguson’s Preston electorate office are false, the Batman federal Labor MP says."I wasn't aware anyone had made that claim, but thanks Fergo! Nice to know you only invoke Orwellian surveillance when mining money's on the line...
Most of what follows is a rehash of the Age's claims and the civil outrage that followed, but Marty leaves us with this gem before returning to his star chamber and IngSoc uniform;
Mr Ferguson said decisions to monitor activity at his office were “made independently of me in accordance with established protocols”. “What I do not support is protest activity that damages Commonwealth property ... or activity that diverts important police resources away from serving the Australian community,” he said.So there you have it, straight from the horse's (arse) mouth - if you ever mount a protest at an MP's office, you will be spied on by the AFP! Huzzah! Also, Marty doesn't want you to protest, as it ties up police resources. Resources that could be better spent pepper spraying fare evaders on trams I guess. Spare a thought for those poor coppers, o protestors. They don't want to spray you up or beat the crap out of you, they'd much rather be plucking a posey of daisies or fetching a frightened kitten from a tree. You MAKE them waste time beating you up. You MAKE them redirect resources away from catching murderers, rapists and thieves. It's all YOUR fault.
Yay democracy! Oh, no wait, I mean get fucked.
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