I saw this recently, and with the various economic woes in the Eurozone and the US, I thought it relevant.
I saw footage
of you recently campaigning against the closure of your local library.
What are your thoughts on the cuts and the situation we're in?
I think it's completely indefensible. I think I understand what has
been happening economically, pretty much since the collapse of the
Berlin Wall. It's the bankers and financial institutions who have
knowingly got us into this mess. Either they did knowingly or they were
unbelievably stupid and incompetent. This is not even capitalism any
more. Capitalism employs a rough and ready Darwinian survival of the
fittest. The banks have become like monarchies. They are too big to
fail, too big to punish. They are above parliament. Banks are treating
themselves as if they were a new class of fiscal royalty. The kind of
royalty they most resemble is Charles I. He was above parliament and not
accountable for his lavishness. He put the pinch upon the country to
the point where the poor people simply starved.
"No, this
cannot be tolerated. You cannot have libraries, schools and things that
people need for a basic standard of living taken away while George
Osborne is making deals with companies to allow them to make better use
of tax havens because they are threatening to take their business
elsewhere. There are alternatives. We are not all in this together.
all in favour of anti-cuts demonstrations. And it's always very
pleasing to see so many V for Vendetta masks in the crowd. I'm very
proud of those boys and girls."
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