Okay, so why are all you Carbon Tax protestors old? No, I'm not being ageist, I'm not saying you're less capable of protesting or your concerns are of less worth because you're advanced in years. It's just...
Dude, seriously, why are you all OLD?
I'm not a spring chicken myself. I'm no skinny hipster with ironic 80's facial hair, that's for sure. But... no really why are you all so damned OLD?
I mean you're not even going to be around when the real serious environmental shit starts to happen. Is that it? You don't want to be affected by any measure to prevent catastrophic climate change, because you won't be alive to deal with it. Is that why you're all so damned old?
Okay, so... no wait I can't get my head around this. Half of you are within coo-ee of retirement... and... okay so wait, is this why all those anti-carbon tax ads were on during Harry's Practice and Born and Bred and All Creatures Great and Small and Heartbeat - because they're old folks shows?
Are you guys only protesting because you believed those ads that were on during your stories?
Don't get me wrong. I'm not dissing the shows - I kinda like Heartbeat. The anti-Carbon Tax ads stir me from my dozing during the show, they fire me up and get me mad. Sure beats those denture paste ads, and staircase escalator ads, and weekend away auction trip-thing ads. Those ones send me to sleep.
Yeah, so where were we?
Oh yeah, so why are you all old?
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