Thursday, October 13, 2011

Well, that didn't take long.

Beware of Occupy (place) websites that have a .com suffix. They are not part of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Most of their sites end in .org. The .com mock sites may have been bought, paid for and generated by the office of Rand Paul, a Republican. Obviously whoever's doing it is trying to co-opt a popular movement for their own advantages.

The reason it may be Rand Paul is that the common denominator on most of the .com OWS sites is a banner ad for Rand Paul. No, not suspicious, nothing to see here, please move along.

Don't have popular support for being a rich, greedy pig? BUY IT! Here's one we prepared earlier!

Update: You know I'm not sure now if it was Rand Paul or Ron Paul. I'm really sure it wasn't RuPaul though...


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