Saturday, October 22, 2011

Okay Tony, so now we've proved you're full of crap, can we move on?

So this morning, this caught my eye. To make a 2 page article shorter, a scientist who was deeply concerned that some scientists were fudging climate science data, determined to perform the biggest, most comprehensive survey of climate science data.

His project immediately caught the attention of people on either end of the climate change stoush, and also attracted funding from figures as diverse as Bill Gates and the thoroughly, completely and irredeemably evil Koch brothers (who presumably funded the program thinking it would give them a line they could use later).

Well guess what? The biggest claims laid against AGW science are a load of old bollocks. Yep, this doubter who wanted to legitimately test the claims of other doubters against all the data he could lay his digits on found that the biggest claims against climate science are more full of crap than the muck-out wheelbarrow in the elephant enclosure at the zoo.

On the subject of being full of crap, we turn to our old mate Tony Abbott, professional dissembler and the Boy Who Would Be PM. Tony's 'stance' - if I can use the word in its loosest sense - on climate change is no mystery to anyone who spends more than a millisecond observing news. While he's quite fond of making up policy as he goes to suit whatever polls are in The Australian that morning, he's been more or less consistent on what he thinks about climate change itself.

"Climate change is crap." We've heard that before I'm sure. Malcolm Turnbull has also publicly flamed the Coalition's 'Direct Action' plan on climate change as nothing more than window dressing, that can be thrown away on the happy day when Tony awakes from blissful slumber to find climate change is fiction, he's PM and there are no more gay people in Australia.

Well, he can still dream on about being PM I guess, but with the last nail in the skeptic coffin looking like it's about to be hammered in, there's suddenly a lot less wiggle room to be a denier these days. Now, Tony and his gang of sloping brow clowns in the Coalition can keep on dancing to the 'climate change is crap' rumba, and look like even bigger fools than they are now, or they can do as Labor has had to recently do on the asylum seeker issue - suck it up and get on with the business of dealing with fact.

Do I really believe Tony, the shameless poll hunter and professional dissembler, will suddenly adopt fact and try to deal with this issue in a realistic way?


As long as he can side with the mining industry, Andrew Bolt and goggle-eyed sideshow freaks like Christopher (I'm a Lord, honest) Monckton in turning the public against the ALP and Greens for personal gain, why would he? Never mind as a publicly elected official, he has a clear duty to respond to fact and create legislation to deal with it.

If he continues down this path he will increasingly grow to resemble the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a legless fool who think's he's a tough guy.


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