Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lying Oakland PD and the lie-filled lying lies they tell

Alternet ran this on the latest showdown between the Imperial Stormtroopers Oakland PD and the protestors at Occupy Oakland. So, someone filming the protest and tweeting about it is a dangerous anarchist? Wow, it's so good and professional then that the Oakland PD held her in a cell before asking her to strip-search and shimmy her tits in front of leering male inmates then.

I'd hate to think the police were corrupt in this matter after all.

Some other Occupy updates from Alternet can be found here.

Right about now, It'd be nice if the media suddenly noticed.

Reporter: 'Hey, all that stuff that we say is terrible when it happens in Egypt or Syria is happening in first world democracies! Boy, maybe we'd better say something about it!'

Editor: 'Like what?'

Reporter: 'Gee I don't know. I haven't done journalism for so long, I usually just read off press releases.'

Editor: 'Yeah, me too.'


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