Wednesday, November 2, 2011

News from the global Occupation

Once they heard the news, Death Eaters, Dark Lords of the Sith, Nazis, Satanic Bikers, Imperial Stormtroopers, Banditos, Orcs of Mordor and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants all volunteered to join Oakland PD. "Beats looking for a pair of f#%king droids." one Stormtrooper was heard to comment.

Once the travesty of Oakland happened, the Occupy movement entered a new phase. The movement and the global protests aren't going away. No, now police and government are prepared to do to their own civilians what they would not condone a soldier doing to an enemy in a combat zone.

For those who haven't been following, a partner protest to OWS had sprung up in Oakland, California. Protestors had been fired at with rubber bullets and tear gas by police in full riot armour. Many lay injured and sprawled on Oakland's streets. Enter Scott Olsen who braved the fire to retrieve injured protestors - protestors that the police were only too happy to leave bleeding on the street I might add.

Scott Olsen was struck in the head by a 40mm gas canister aimed at his head. He's doing well now, but for a while things looked grim. Did I mention that Scott Olsen wasn't some 'bongo playing hippie'? No, he was a US Marine. A U-fucking-S god-damned Marine. Well congratulations 'oh you boards and syndicates of the earth' to quote William Burroughs, you've now got the US Armed Services hacked off at you.

Some Occupy links for the perusal of all, and a helpful infographic after the jump.


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