Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hey guys, what are ya talking about? Cool, mind if I spy on that and then sell it for personal profit?

By now, no-one should be surprised that Facebook are little more than a bunch of scumbag ass-hats run by a mouth-breathing misanthrope stuffing his pockets full of filthy lucre gained from the rest of us nattering about what we ate, where we went on the weekend, and who we've shagged.

Now he's mining your private political opinions.

I'm not going to discuss the contents of this link too much. I get that the T&C's of FB essentially say 'MINE! MINE! ALL MINE!' as though they were written by a toddler, high on a concoction of red cordial and crack cocaine. I get that. I get that they mine your content for sale to advertisers.


There are places in the world where your political opinions can get a police truncheon up your arse, or electrodes on your old fella, or plain old death in an unknown, unmarked grave.

Now sure, the Zuckertrüppen are just tracking 'Hey how many people are talking about Ron Paul or Mittens Romney?' Great. Nice. Lovely, innocent, raw numbers.

So, who's talking about imprisoned activist spokesperson X in tyrannical anti-democratic nation Y? Really? That many? Can we get their names? We'll pay for it of course...

That's where this is headed.


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