Thursday, November 3, 2011

The dance is over

Another boat sinks. People die. Australia's political parties keep on dancing to a song that stopped a long time ago. Read more here

 One of the things that gets me really mad is the absolute bullshit game we play with asylum seekers in this country. As many of you may know from the news cycle yesterday, a boat sank off the coast of Indonesia, taking many of its refugee passengers with it. Men, women and kids drowned.

Our bullshit and craven political parties, most loathesomely incarnated as the ALP and the Liberal/National Coalition have lost all rights to be considered as human beings. Both of these spineless collectives of human/maggot hybrids spent much of the time on the topic in Parliament yesterday beating each other with drowned children to see who was the toughest on frightened desperate foreigners.

"Border Protection!" Tony shouted from above a drool-slicked chin.
"People Smugglers!" Julia shouted, her hands tacky with the blood of all the people her policies have allowed to die.

Fuck the both of you.

It's not about Border-fucking-Protection, Abbott you fucking simpleton. It's about helping desperate people in need.

It's not about People Smugglers either Gillard, you craven scheming shitbag. If you gave two fucks about People Smugglers, you'd be setting up an international task force to break the people smuggler trade. Never mind the fact, that most of these 'people smugglers' you paint as the modern day version of the fucking mafia, are in fact people driven to participating in this racket, so they've got the money to goddamn live.

Or maybe you also know damned well it's not always 'people smugglers'.

Kamran said he paid $US5500 to get to Australia via Malaysia. The Iranians paid $US7000 and flew straight to Jakarta after paying $500 bribes to immigration officers at the airport for visas.

Mojgan Rajabali, 22, said immigration officers at the airport in Jakarta knew they were going to Australia. She said she had been shown a picture of a handsome vessel by a people smuggling agent in Tehran, and was told she would be in Christmas Island two days after leaving Indonesia.

One thing to pick on the poor, quite another to accuse your shirty neighbour of corruption eh? You loathsome hypocrites.

How about 'Shooty', the Tamil refugee who - despite having his application approved - killed himself after having to wait seven fucking months in Villawood for an Asio check? Read about him here, here and here

Do you even give two tugs of a dead dog's cock? How can you two, and your execrable 'parties' stand there day after day, regurgitating your simple-minded, poll-chasing ignorant fucking garbage.

Both of you spend so much god-damned time dancing around with your euphemisms, you've turned this country into a nation of hard-hearted, sick and cruel fucking arseholes.

Have either of you waded through the Herald Sun comments on an article discussing asylum seekers? If you ever want to see the constituency you two arseholes are building, read those damned comments. All those hate-filled, psychotic, ignorant mouth-breathers are the ugly Australians you two are cultivating.


Stop turning my country into a nation of ugly racist shitbags.


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