Thursday, November 3, 2011

Homophobia in sunny California

So apparently, recently a lesbian couple were named homecoming King and Queen at a high school in San Diego, California. They were both voted into the position, and I presume that was a majority vote - it's how most of these things work. Anyway, a howl of opprobium descended on the couple and they received buckets of hate mail. You can read about it here.

So was it other students? Apparently not. After all, the couple got voted into those roles by the student body. If you're old like me, go watch some early season Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes to figure out how it works. So where did the hate mail and possible death threats come from? Adults.

Bill Kowba, San Diego school superintendent, said adults criticizing the selection of Rebecca Arellano and Haileigh Adams are "demonstrating such a lack of tolerance and are presenting such a negative role model for children with their hateful comments."

 Wow, you must be a really pathetic 30-40-50-something if a couple of gay teenagers can upset you so much. America - land of the free, home of the brave.

1 comment:

  1. the comments on that article are disturbing:

    "Gay agenda in my face shutting down free speech!"

    In other words - they should be able to threaten gay teenagers, and if you call them on it you're shutting down free speech, shoving the gay agenda in their face, and being immoral.

