Friday, February 17, 2012

Get religion out of politics now

If this comes across as prejudicial or intolerant, I'm sorry. I'm not sorry for causing offence, rather I'm sorry that you find yourself defending any of the vile crap I'm about to show you. I'm sorry because if you defend this, you fail at being a tolerant and compassionate human being.

It's war against the uterus, war against the fallopian tubes, a brutal remorseless skirmish going on against anything vaginally related.

I wish I was joking, I really do, but I think we're seeing the iceberg tip of when the United States implodes and just outright sells itself to nutcase fundamentalist ideology. What's that? Everyone's entitled to an opinion you say? We shouldn't judge their beliefs you say? Once I may have agreed with you. Today my only answer to you would be to say 'horseshit'.

After being defeated elsewhere, the state of Virginia is now debating another of the odious 'personhood' bills. These bills, which are cropping up in state legislatures across the US, define personhood as existing from the moment of conception. So, guess what, that condom splits and you need an abortion or morning after pill? YOU'RE COMMITTING MURDER! Read more here.

Republican Rep Darryl Issa recently held a hearing on the birth control kerfuffle in the US. The overall line Issa has taken is that providing birth control is a violation of the barrier of Church and State, because it doesn't let the Church get it's way enough. No Christian groups who actually agreed with the issue were permitted to testify, and no women were permitted to testify. On birth control and fertility. Yeah. Read more here.

I have no doubt that if you go to either of those links, that you could follow a chain of similar outrages, all involving hardline Christian fundamentalism, shrieking like a spoiled brat that just because it does not have ultimate authoritarian control over every element of everyone's lives, it is being 'persecuted'.

The time for tolerance is passed. What has tolerance of religious meddling in social policy actually given us? Nothing. Progress frustrated, injustices enacted, bigotry mainstreamed. It's vile, it's foul and it's disgusting. These hardliners are parasites, abusing every outlet of freedom and tolerance to pervert and poison it into oppression and intolerance. While crying 'persecution!' and 'religious freedom' they are going hell for leather dismantling every single freedom they can get their hands on. Men and women since before the Enlightenment have been sounding a warning cry against these abusers.

I saw the following on America's Progressive Voice on Facebook the other day;

Nathan Garcia on Rick Santorum: "When religionists enter the public square, they leave behind the protected sanctuary of their church where they are free to pursue their faith in whichever fashion they choose. But, in the civic arena, they leave behind the protection that allows them to impose the details of their faith on others. For some reason, many among the faithful regard imposing their fiats on behavior on others, whether based on true, unchallengeable measurements or arbitrary, anachronistic, archaic, capricious standards, among protected right of worship. They don't understand that imposition of religious edict is only protected within their sanctuaries, and their right to practice religion extends only the the tip of the next person's nose. Given a free pass to shove dogma on others in the name of religious tolerance is an abuse of religious freedom. Being called on and prevented from abusing religious freedoms has never been an attack on religion or faith, but a reaction to inappropriate and abusive application of religious behavior. Religious dogma has no place shaping civil, secular law, ethics aside, precisely because the same First Amendment that guarantees religious freedom also restricts government from enacting statutes that favor any faith over any other, including absence of faith. Rick Santorum is just plain out of line. His positions on marriage equality are anti-social, undemocratic, anti-Constitutional and unpatriotic. By conspicuous conduct, he has disqualified himself from service in public office."

While it refers to the disgraceful GOP bigot and dullard Rick Santorum, its message is a clear one when considering all fundamentalist intrusion into governance and social policy.

Society must be secular. Note that does not mean atheistic, it simply means that any law or social policy that is enacted for the good of all, MUST be inherently free from religious influence. Any other path that panders to religious interference or domineering leads uncomfortably close to theocratic tyranny.

If you care about people at all, if you have any ounce of compassion in you, if you IN ANY WAY feel the remotest bit of empathy for other people, then you must resist such intrusions with every fibre of your being. It is time to stop pretending that this is just the freedom to voice an opinion. The actions described above, and the countless others happening day by day are a totalitarian abuse, a vicious anti-humanity revolution going on in our midst. It MUST be stopped and it MUST be stopped NOW.

To the believers, the devout and the faithful, I can only say this: You are faced with a choice right now. You either stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow human beings, or you don't. You don't have to agree with everyone, shit, you don't even have to like everyone, but you MUST accept that everyone else's views are just as valid as yours, that they have a right to live a life of dignity just as much as you do. If you reject that, if you believe that your religious views supercede all other views, rights and laws, then you should be prepared to be treated exactly the same.

Be ready. The harder you push an intrusion into governance and social policy is exactly how hard you'll be pushed back. Want your rights stripped because of your beliefs? Want to be treated like shit, like garbage because you're a believer? Then keep going the way you have been. People have long memories. When the balance of power shifts as it inevitably will, do not expect to be treated any better than you have treated others.

Payback's a bitch.

So, you've got a chance. Get your Bibles out of the law books. Have your backward-ass, Iron-Age opinions, but keep them in your living room, in your fucking churches. They are revolting and embarassing and do not belong in public. A good society makes laws that are applicable for all, it does not create a privileged über-caste of delusional nutcases. Let the people affected by rights and equalities enjoy them. The injunctions of your faith mean less than nothing to those who do not share that faith.

Now, you hardline fundamentalist pigs, shut up or fuck off.


More stupidity and plain unvarnished fucking evil from the US Republican party. Further details on the war on women, on health, and on anything to do wth basic intelligence.
How The GOP Went Back To The 1950s In Just One DayHow in the Hell are We Supposed to Grant Fertilized Eggs Constitutional Rights?

Virginia ultrasound bill at odds with medical standards
Englin blasts GOP bill for requiring vaginal penetration
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: 'War on women' label starts to stick to GOP
Indiana Senate To Vote On Bill To Withdraw From Medicare, Medicaid And Other Federal Health Programs

UPDATE 3: Religion on fucking notice. Those who are getting tired of religious organisations getting a free ride at everyone else's expense are finally fighting back.
Oi Vatican, pay your fucking taxes, you bunch of fucking moochers!
In the US - you don't get to pay no tax because you believe in fairy tales, you fucking spongers!


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